Pam Marcheski
Executive and Organizational Leadership Coach Owner / Principal
Pam is the principle owner of Intentions to Actions Leadership. A Mindfulness based leadership company that centers around helping individuals and organizations identify their desired leadership intentions in both personal and professional life. With the structure of utilizing traditional leadership development model combined with the foundations of mindfulness Pam helps to guide a roadmap with actions that align to those intentions.
Pam comes to the space of mindful leadership coaching after spending 25 plus years as a senior corporate executive with various large fortune 500 companies. During her final years in her previous career path Pam began her own personal journey of mindfulness. She saw quickly that within the scope of daily life how essential and powerful mindfulness was and the impact that it had on her effectiveness as a leader.
Pam left her final role as Vice President with JC Penney in 2018. As she made her journey back to California to reside closer to her son and family she began her deeper understanding of Mindfulness through the Center of Mindfulness at the University of Southern California. In this journey Pam became a fully certified instructor of mPEAK (Mindful, Performance, Enhancement and Knowledge).
With a desire to have multiple modes of learning for her clients Pam also obtained certification through the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching organization. MGCC is a coaching model that centers around creating a measurable leadership model of development based on identified leadership needs of the individual.
Pam has always felt a deep commitment to volunteer work and supporting non-profit organizations that center around helping others in their personal path of development. Pam is an active board member of the non-profit organization, The Lamp of Learning. An organization which awards scholarships each year to first generation students in pursuit of college education.
When not helping others through work or volunteering Pam enjoys being in nature. Whether it be paddle boarding, hiking, or taking a nice stroll along the beach she finds great energy in the outdoors.
Pam while progressing in her career, moving throughout the country always had her greatest source of pride with her, her son Casey. Raising Casey alone but always supported by family and deep personal friends Pam gives gratitude reflection daily for the gifts of those she has in her life. Pam now lives in San Diego with her son who when not traveling for work is cooking for mom and happily beating mom in a game of chess.