Did you know we have 60-70K thoughts a day while the concept of following the breath sounds easy we recognize that it does hard in the process. Beginning the practice does not have to be a hard chore and can be pulled in and done anywhere and for just one moment. While the benefits of a longer formal practice allows you more reps of the pushup within the mind any moment of pulling in and grounding with the breath is a workout.
We included the “ONE MINUTE TIMER” in our MBOX to help us remember to take time for ourselves. If we are upset…take that minute and calm down, after a stressful call… take a minute too refocus, finding gratitude… take a minute.
If you want to learn more about MBOX and how it can help you take mindful principles and turn them into everyday practices with the support of a certified mindful coach go to: www.intentact.com/mbox.